Conditions of Sale of Anglia Labels (Sales) Limited
Anglia Labels’ terms of service outline key conditions for contracts, orders, pricing, delivery, risk and title, warranties, liabilities, force majeure, termination, and miscellaneous provisions.

- All quotations given, orders accepted, and contracts entered into by Anglia Labels (Sales) Ltd (“Anglia Labels”) with any person (“Purchaser”) for supply of goods (“Goods”) and for services(“Services”) are subject to these conditions of sale (“Conditions”). All other terms and conditions, whether expressly stipulated by the Purchaser or implied by trade custom, course of dealing or otherwise are excluded. No variation to these Conditions will be effective unless agreed in writing by an authorised representative of Anglia Labels.
- No quotation, estimate or proposal issued by Anglia Labels is an offer that is capable of acceptance by the Purchaser. Any order issued by the Purchaser shall be deemed placed subject to these Conditions and shall constitute an offer that Anglia Labels may accept or reject. The contract between Anglia Labels and the Purchaser (“Contract”) shall be formed at the time Anglia Labels accepts the Purchaser’s order. Anglia Labels may accept the Purchaser’s order by issuing an order acknowledgement or by other means, including commencing the supply of Goods or performance of Services. No amendments to the Purchaser’s order shall be valid unless agreed in writing by an authorised representative of Anglia Labels.
Order and Specifications
- The Purchaser shall be responsible to Anglia Labels for ensuring the accuracy of the terms of any order, including any applicable specification, submitted by the Purchaser, and for giving to Anglia Labels any necessary information relating to the Goods and Services within a sufficient time to enable Anglia Labels to perform the Contract in accordance with its terms. The specification for the Goods and Services shall be that set out in the Purchaser’s order or as otherwise agreed in writing by Anglia Labels. Should an order be cancelled by the Purchaser within 2 months of the relevant delivery date Anglia Labels reserves the right to impose a reasonable cancellation charge.
Price and Payment
- The price of Goods and Services shall be the price quoted by Anglia Labels. Quoted prices shall remain valid for 30 days. Prices do not include VAT.
- Unless otherwise agreed in writing payment of invoices shall be made in full without any deduction or set-off within 30 days of the invoice date. Payment shall be due whether or not property in the Goods has passed. Time for payment shall be of the essence and if payment is not made in full by the due date Anglia Labels may without prejudice to any other remedy:
- charge the Purchaser compound interest (running before and after judgement) on all overdue sums at the rate of 2% per month from the date such sum became due to Anglia Labels until the Purchaser pays such sum in full together with such interest; and/or
- suspend or cancel further supply of Goods or performance of Services whether under this or any other Contract until the Purchaser makes payment in full together with any applicable interest.
- Delivery of the Goods shall unless otherwise agreed be made by Anglia Labels delivering the Goods to the location specified in the Purchaser’s order or by the Purchaser collecting the Goods at Anglia Labels’ premises.
- Any dates or times for delivery of Goods and performance of the Services are approximate only. Anglia Labels shall use reasonable endeavours to meet such dates or times but so long as it uses such reasonable endeavours Anglia Labels shall not be liable to the Purchaser, in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise for any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from any late delivery or performance.
- Where the Goods are delivered by instalments, any breach by Anglia Labels in respect of any one or more instalments shall not entitle the Purchaser to terminate the Contract in whole or in part.
- Upon receipt of the Goods the Purchaser shall examine them and shall within 7 days of such receipt give notice in writing to Anglia Labels of any apparent defects and/or shortages. The parties will agree between themselves such further action as may be necessary to remedy the defect and/or shortage. Anglia Labels shall not be liable for any such defects and/or shortages notified to it after the period of 7 days after receipt.
- Whilst every endeavour will be made to deliver the correct quantity ordered, a 5% variation in quantity is allowable for overs and shortages. Overs will be paid for by the buyer.
Expert support from start to finish
Anglia Labels can help with the design and customisation to help you achieve your desired result. Contact our team of technical experts to discuss your label needs.